The art of conversation

“The art of conversation alongside the culture of apology” Be upset with me, be upset, be angry… but don’t be angry! Don’t fall into yourself Don’t hurt with the third and fourth person and others! When you calm down, come back so we can talk Face to face, I listen patiently until you say and […]

Chlorhexidine, chemical composition, clinical application and its effect on the strength and durability of enamel and dentin bonding (part one)

Chlorhexidine is considered a strong substance to destroy resistant bacteria and fungi in dentistry. In 1940, in pursuit of obtaining an effective drug for malaria, scientists found a group of substances called bisbiganide, among which chlorhexidine was marketed in England in 1954 as a wound antiseptic, skin cleaning and disinfection before surgery. Released. Then, this […]

Plasma is a different method in modern restorative dentistry (first part)

plasma Plasma is a quasi-neutral gas of charged and neutral particles that presents its own collective behavior. In other words, it can be said that the word plasma refers to an ionized gas in which all or a significant part of its atoms have lost one or more electrons and turned into positive ions. In […]

Bonding to Zirconia

Bonding to Zirconia The use of ceramics in dentistry has created a tremendous transformation; In the meantime, zirconia has found a special place due to its unique structural characteristics. Today, zirconia has replaced metal copings and has opened its place in implant systems. The introduction of zirconia frameworks has removed the limitations of design and […]

Amalgam band and its importance in the treatment of amalgam restorations

Amalgam Bond Introduction: Although tooth-colored restorations have found a special place in dentistry today, amalgam is still a loyal material for dentists. It seems that each of these two materials are very good and appropriate if they are used in their own place. As much as the comparison of physical and mechanical properties of amalgam […]

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