Mechanized study method with the help of targeted study application:
To answer the questions of each chapter, it is necessary to read it at least 4 times and fix it in your mind.
Therefore, target registration will be done after 4 readings.
Accordingly, complete the following four ticks in the application:
First tick: View the professor’s teaching video.
Second tick: Review 24 to 48 hours later.
Third tick: Testing and summarizing their points.
Fourth tick: Use of tests (educational guidance).
This method will help you to:
✅ Have control over your path.
✅ Increase your confidence and motivation by progressing through each step.
✅ Don’t worry about meetings and weeks behind and just move forward.
✅ She benefited from the self-encouraging effect.
One of the problems of people who have participated in the assistantship exam several times and have not yet received the results is that they think they have learned the lessons well; But by registering their target, they see that they have stopped at a specific target!
Targeted study application will soon be available to the candidates of previous years of Parse to prepare for the specialized board exam.
Your educational advisor
Dr. Kasri Tabari

Click on the photo to download the targeted study Android application.